Saturday, October 25


Friday night, I woke up from bed with this horrible burning sensation in my throat. Peanut was pressed high against my ribs which gave me heartburn like I have never known and shortness of breath. I got up from bed, took a few TUMS and drank some milk to no avail. I started walking around which helped a bit but eventually got tired again and rested in the chair. 

But alas Peanut was quite comfy in his/her spot and so the assault continued. I was becoming desperate and started crying from the pain and just the desire to go back to bed. Jourdan heard me, I left him in bed cause I thought he had to work the next morning (v. delusional when I haven't slept well), and he ran out to comfort me and help Peanut move. It took about twenty minutes of work on Jourdan's part but he got Peanut to move down and finally I got to sleep. It's such a reassurance to know that I have him to help me especially as we're looking forward to potential nights of lost sleep. 

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