Friday, April 24

4-month Well Baby

Violet went in for her 4-month well baby appointment today. She currently weighs 16 pounds (95th percentile) and is 26 inches long (97th percentile) and her head circumference of 17 inches (75th percentile). Dr. Lee asked who was the tall one because apparently Violet is going to be taller than just 5'9" like Jourdan and I. He also commented that Violet has amazing muscle control and is developing quite well. He recommended we start working on her sleeping through the night and to cut out her morning 3 hour nap to assist. Also we can start giving Violet solid foods in a few weeks when she's better able to lean back in her high chair. (Mommy is very excited!) The best is Violet is not only perfectly healthy but she's perfectly perfect as well.

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