Saturday, August 22

8 Months Old Today

8 months old!

Violet is officially 8 months old today. It's a cliche of "look how much she's grown" but it really is amazing how far she's coming along.

We're seeing more and more of her personality come through. Her sheer determination at wanting to crawl comes from Mom. Her frustration that she can't comes from Dad. Her love of the outdoors... well, we have no idea where that came from.

She's rolling and sitting up and wigging all over the place, but not quite crawling just yet. She's also working on getting up to her feet and balancing on two legs, so she might just jump ahead to walking.

Violet is babbling too. It comes and it goes, but she's definitely a lot more vocal than before. It's cute to hear her voice take shape.

The last 8 months has been frantic, crazy, and wonderful. We are loving our little girl.

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