The blog's been very quiet, but we do have a bunch of new stuff to make up for it.
Lots of new photos over at Flickr.
And there's a few new videos going up over at Vimeo, but they'll take awhile to show up. But they're videos of Violet crawling, laughing, and showing off other talents that are well worth the wait.
Monday, November 23
Thursday, November 5
Thursday, October 1
Happy Nine Months!
(A bit belated, but it's been busy lately.)
Violet nine months old now, and it amazing all that she can do. She's crawling up a storm and chasing Josie the cat all over the house. Her little personality has only gotten stronger, and we can tell she's going to like things her way. She prefers to feed herself, and we're eating, she wants to eat too.
The crawling is the best. Her laugh as she shimmies around the house. How she can now meet us at the door when we grab her from daycare. Watching her as she explores the house.
And Violet's still working on the walking. She's been practicing at night, standing up in her bed instead of sleeping. (We've caught her a few times.) Josie is having to head to higher ground already.
And she's continuing to babble in her cute little voice. No words yet, but she's definitely trying to tell us something. Usually, it's "I want to eat that."
We're so excited to watch her grow up. Time flies when you're having fun.
Tuesday, September 8
Home Again
Friday, September 4
We are crawling!
Monday, August 31
This is one determined little crawler. Violet spends every spare moment wiggling over and around anything in her immediate area, including Mama and Daddy. She wants to crawl, and she wants to crawl yesterday.
It's tough to see her try so hard, and not quite get it. She's moving all over the place, but it's still all very accidental. But she'll get the hang of it soon...
As always, more pics on the Flickr.
Saturday, August 22
8 Months Old Today
Violet is officially 8 months old today. It's a cliche of "look how much she's grown" but it really is amazing how far she's coming along.
We're seeing more and more of her personality come through. Her sheer determination at wanting to crawl comes from Mom. Her frustration that she can't comes from Dad. Her love of the outdoors... well, we have no idea where that came from.
She's rolling and sitting up and wigging all over the place, but not quite crawling just yet. She's also working on getting up to her feet and balancing on two legs, so she might just jump ahead to walking.
Violet is babbling too. It comes and it goes, but she's definitely a lot more vocal than before. It's cute to hear her voice take shape.
The last 8 months has been frantic, crazy, and wonderful. We are loving our little girl.
Friday, August 21
Violet Goes to Bed - Directors Cut
Violet Goes to Bed from Jourdan Perla on Vimeo.
Here's the full version of the "Violet Goes To Bed" video that Flickr cut short. It's a long one, so get comfy.
Also, I've done some computer magic to help get more photos on Flickr. So you should be seeing a lot more there.
Friday, August 14
Took a Break
Sorry about the lack of updates here. Just getting used to a more active Violet. (This is her in a rare moment of downtime.) Got more pics on the Flickr with more on the way (once I find my adapter).
Violet's desperately working on crawling now. On the bright side this helps wear her out for naps and bedtime. But on the downside, she still doesn't like naps and bedtime. She's got the basics of movement down, just needs to put it all together. But she's also working on climbing and trying to get herself to her feet, so she might just skip crawling altogether. Either way, Josie's days are numbered.
Monday, July 6
Monday, June 22
Newsletter: Month Six
You're already half a year old! This for me is a major milestone and has made me more reminiscent than other months. I know that only six months ago today you were born but the idea while true seems absurdly impossible. It's like that special moment in time is frozen in another lifetime and now I only know you as the sweet, giggly, happy girl I hold today. As I write this I realize that someday soon this moment will be frozen in the same way and that only makes me want to squeeze you more, kiss you more and love you more.
Speaking of more, you are all about more these days. More inches you grew, more teeth you've cut and more food you like. You are such an adventurer and so quick to try new things or meet new people. Your lack of fear impresses me and most people you meet. You seem to only see good and fun in everything and welcome it all in with open arms. I admire your open mind and willingness to try new things as well as envy it too. ;)
You're now on a steady diet of fruit and vegetables now. You like Japanese curry, sweet potatoes and pears but you really flipped for cherries and bananas. I've never seen you grunt for more at dinner time like you did when we offered you that dish. I not so secretly smiled when you eagerly gobbled down your cherries just like I do. But just like your dad, you love nomming on watermelon and chew on Dad's rinds after he's done. I'm glad for your father that he finally has someone to share his watermelon with.
Besides food, you've started sitting up. You can't quite get yourself to the sitting position but if we sit you that way, you'll hold onto the position and self correct if you're beginning to tip over. You've also taken a spin on the kid cart at daycare. Miss Jackie sent me a picture and there you were beaming with pride at your latest adventure.
I love you so much and I have to say while you've struggled with teething, and I do mean struggled, you are a tough cookie. You shrug off getting shots so when you were wailing in pain during your teething, I knew it was bad. The hardest moment for me, since the breastfeeding letdown, has been during these moments when your pain is almost palpable and I can only offer you teething tablets, orajel or tylenol to ease the pain. I have never felt so useless and been so humbled. But somehow through holding you tight, rocking you and singing your lullaby, we get through it every single time. Last night after a particularly horrific teething moment, your Dad held me close while I cried. I realized in that moment, that there were going to be some things that would be painful for you and that couldn't be fixed easily. It felt so overwhelmingly sad, to think I'd be unable to keep you from pain and sadness. But now as I write this I know I can't keep the pain from you but I will comfort you and help you until the pain has passed...every single time.
All my love,
You're already half a year old! This for me is a major milestone and has made me more reminiscent than other months. I know that only six months ago today you were born but the idea while true seems absurdly impossible. It's like that special moment in time is frozen in another lifetime and now I only know you as the sweet, giggly, happy girl I hold today. As I write this I realize that someday soon this moment will be frozen in the same way and that only makes me want to squeeze you more, kiss you more and love you more.
Speaking of more, you are all about more these days. More inches you grew, more teeth you've cut and more food you like. You are such an adventurer and so quick to try new things or meet new people. Your lack of fear impresses me and most people you meet. You seem to only see good and fun in everything and welcome it all in with open arms. I admire your open mind and willingness to try new things as well as envy it too. ;)
You're now on a steady diet of fruit and vegetables now. You like Japanese curry, sweet potatoes and pears but you really flipped for cherries and bananas. I've never seen you grunt for more at dinner time like you did when we offered you that dish. I not so secretly smiled when you eagerly gobbled down your cherries just like I do. But just like your dad, you love nomming on watermelon and chew on Dad's rinds after he's done. I'm glad for your father that he finally has someone to share his watermelon with.
Besides food, you've started sitting up. You can't quite get yourself to the sitting position but if we sit you that way, you'll hold onto the position and self correct if you're beginning to tip over. You've also taken a spin on the kid cart at daycare. Miss Jackie sent me a picture and there you were beaming with pride at your latest adventure.
I love you so much and I have to say while you've struggled with teething, and I do mean struggled, you are a tough cookie. You shrug off getting shots so when you were wailing in pain during your teething, I knew it was bad. The hardest moment for me, since the breastfeeding letdown, has been during these moments when your pain is almost palpable and I can only offer you teething tablets, orajel or tylenol to ease the pain. I have never felt so useless and been so humbled. But somehow through holding you tight, rocking you and singing your lullaby, we get through it every single time. Last night after a particularly horrific teething moment, your Dad held me close while I cried. I realized in that moment, that there were going to be some things that would be painful for you and that couldn't be fixed easily. It felt so overwhelmingly sad, to think I'd be unable to keep you from pain and sadness. But now as I write this I know I can't keep the pain from you but I will comfort you and help you until the pain has passed...every single time.
All my love,
Pool Time
Today at daycare, Miss Jackie took Violet, Niu Niu and Sedona outside. I've noticed that Violet is quite a fan of being outside and really enjoys the recent nice weather, especially a nice swift breeze that makes her gasp. Miss Jackie reports that today Violet and Sedona got to have pool time. At first they were both sharing the same pool but that ended quickly after Violet blarged in her pool. I can just see it now, she got so excited about the pool or seeing Sedona that she couldn't hold back the blarg.
Sunday, June 21
Father's Day
For Jourdan's first father's day, we mostly hung out around the house. Unfortunately, Violet was still amidst teething so she wasn't her normally happy self. But that didn't stop Jourdan and I from enjoying fresh blueberry muffins for breakfast. And sometime during the fussiness she was able to read her Dad's day gift with Jourdan and I.
After a long nap, Violet decided we should go to the nearby Pioneer Park and have a picnic. I picked up some Popeye's chicken and we ate some of the blueberry handpies I had made earlier. We then went off to play on the playground and we all took turns on the swings. Once just mom and Violet and another time just Dad and Violet then Violet went swinging by herself in the special bucket swing. Afterwards Violet and I took a very, very quick trip down the slide.
It was a very full day indeed. And one that we will both remember. And sweetheart, I love that when I look into the eyes of our child I see you. Happy Father's Day to a great dad!
P.S. Thanks to Pappy and Grandpa for being great grandpa's!
After a long nap, Violet decided we should go to the nearby Pioneer Park and have a picnic. I picked up some Popeye's chicken and we ate some of the blueberry handpies I had made earlier. We then went off to play on the playground and we all took turns on the swings. Once just mom and Violet and another time just Dad and Violet then Violet went swinging by herself in the special bucket swing. Afterwards Violet and I took a very, very quick trip down the slide.
It was a very full day indeed. And one that we will both remember. And sweetheart, I love that when I look into the eyes of our child I see you. Happy Father's Day to a great dad!
P.S. Thanks to Pappy and Grandpa for being great grandpa's!
Saturday, June 20
Violet at the Park
We took Violet to the Saturday Farmer's Market after we ran a few errands. She's quite the fan of being outside and looking around at people so we figured the Farmer's Market was a sure bet. We were right! After strolling through the crowds we had breakfast (mmm..Indian food!) and headed over to the sand box to play. Violet wasn't quite sure what to make of the sand but she did know it was something she needed to taste. Unfortunately that tricky sand is tough to hold especially when Mom and Dad keep batting it out of your hands. Before our kid ate the entire contents of the sandbox we head to the grass for a little investigation. I figured it was time for Violet to feel soft grass and both of us could use a little R&R. Eventually Violet joined us for a little rest along side Dad.
Friday, June 19
Infant Cognition Lab
Today, Violet and I went to the Infant Cognition Lab at the Center for Mind and Brain. This program is teaming up with the National Institute for Health to study brain development in babies. We signed Violet up to be a part of the program a few months ago and recently they called for us to come in.
Violet did some quick little tests that involved her wearing a headband with a sensor on it and watching TV. The first test was to see if she could tell the new face from the old face. Violet did quite well at this and picked out the new face faster than I did. (In my defense, they did look quite similar). In the second test, Violet was supposed to find the new item on the right or left screen. Violet heavily favored the right screen and only noticed the left screen occasionally.
It was really interesting to see how she tracked things and fun to hear her laugh at the videos. For her efforts to science, Violet got a nifty new toy and a little diploma with her picture on it.
Violet did some quick little tests that involved her wearing a headband with a sensor on it and watching TV. The first test was to see if she could tell the new face from the old face. Violet did quite well at this and picked out the new face faster than I did. (In my defense, they did look quite similar). In the second test, Violet was supposed to find the new item on the right or left screen. Violet heavily favored the right screen and only noticed the left screen occasionally.
It was really interesting to see how she tracked things and fun to hear her laugh at the videos. For her efforts to science, Violet got a nifty new toy and a little diploma with her picture on it.
Monday, June 15
Tooth Two
All last week's fussiness wasn't without cause. Violet's got a new tooth right next door to her other bottom tooth.
On a side note, I'm scared to think of how many more teeth we have yet to go.
On a side note, I'm scared to think of how many more teeth we have yet to go.
Sunday, June 14
Sleeping angel
Sometimes I sneak into your room after you're asleep and just put my hand on your side and stare in awe. You are such an incredible gift to me and your father. I want you to know that seeing you there asleep, slowly breathing and clasping onto monkey makes me cry every single time.
All my love,
Sometimes I sneak into your room after you're asleep and just put my hand on your side and stare in awe. You are such an incredible gift to me and your father. I want you to know that seeing you there asleep, slowly breathing and clasping onto monkey makes me cry every single time.
All my love,
Saturday, June 13
Giving Kisses
Violet shows Daddy some love. While out looking at couches Violet and Daddy took a break to give kisses. Typically this is pretty one-sided but today Violet was holding his face and pressing her open mouth (think fish face) against his cheek. She even made the "mwah"sound!! This girl sure loves her kisses.
Sunday, May 31
Curry and Crawling
The family went downtown last night and ended up having some Japanese curry. We gave Violet a taste, and she definitely enjoyed it. She would wiggle in her stroller until we gave her some more. We ended up wiping the bowl clean with her pacifier to give her one last taste. Tonight she tried some red beans and rice goo, but she wasn't too impressed.
Were getting closer to crawling. Legs and arms are flailing, and we're getting some movement in the butt. Just a little while longer until she puts it all together. So while I put together our new entertainment center this weekend, a great deal of time was spent babyproofing it.
Friday, May 29
Tuesday, May 26
Monday, May 25
Newsletter: Five months already?!
It's been only five months since we first met you and were amazed at how fast you've grown. You're getting smarter and more able every day. You start every morning 'talking' up a storm, telling us about all your wonderful dreams. You can help hold your own bottle. You're starting on solid foods. (Pears are a favorite, and you'll down a whole jar if we let you.) You can roll on your tummy whenever you want, and crawling isn't far behind.
But with all these new joys, we've lost some as well. You've gotten used to sleeping in your crib, so naps with Mommy and Daddy are few and far between. Our arms are a bit too small to get comfy in, so it's rare we get to hold you while you peacefully sleep. You've gotten almost too big for Mommy's moby-wrap, so she doesn't get to have you next to her while she's shopping.
And of course, your impending mobility means we can't put off baby-proofing any more. Eeek!
Love, Mom and Dad
Sunday, May 10
Happy Mother's Day
While Violet is to young to understand that she has the best mother a child could ask for, I'm absolutely certain that she knows it. You are an amazing mother, exceeding even my wildest expectations in your ability to love and care for our child.
This weekend, while I was quarantined from our daughter with some sort of bug, you single-handedly took care of both our child and our home while enduring your own major pains. I think that fits the definition of 'mother' perfectly in your willingness to put your family before your own self.
So, Happy Mother's Day, "Mommy".
P.S. - Speaking for Stephanie and myself, we'd also like to thank our own Mothers for all the support, love, and guidance they've given us over all the years.
Tuesday, April 28
First Food: Avocado
Last night, Jourdan, Violet and I took a walk to Nugget market to get dinner. I've been on a tomato/basil/mozzarella kick lately and I wanted to give Vi a chance to try solid foods. Dr. Lee had suggested fruits and vegetables so I picked up an avocado to try out.
However upon arriving home, Violet was asleep which worked nicely so Jourdan and I were able to get our dinner ready while she slept. When she finally woke up she was hungry so I excitedly got the avocado mushed in her plate while Jourdan set up the high chair. And then I got the camera set to capture the moment. All this hype, I was just so excited. But the chair, the camera, the bowl and spoon proved to be too much new stuff for Vi. She just wasn't really digging it (although I did get some great footage!) so we took her out of her chair and just let her sit on my lap while we watched TV together. She started getting restless during the middle of the show so I pulled her high chair tray over to us and moved her hand to the blob of avocado and just let her play. And play she did! Somehow she got green goo on her forehead, arms, feet, belly and ears!
Finally I put a bit on my finger and she grabbed it and pulled it to her mouth. I realized later that she's very used to putting our fingers in her mouth and that it might be easier to introduce foods to her like this for a little while and introduce the spoon slowly. I'm happy to say she gobbled the bits of avocado down and seemed to really be enjoying herself.
Jourdan kept reminding me what Dr. Lee had said about just letting her play with her food for the time being and not to focus on feeding her. Once I relaxed and just let her have fun then she decided she'd like to eat.
However upon arriving home, Violet was asleep which worked nicely so Jourdan and I were able to get our dinner ready while she slept. When she finally woke up she was hungry so I excitedly got the avocado mushed in her plate while Jourdan set up the high chair. And then I got the camera set to capture the moment. All this hype, I was just so excited. But the chair, the camera, the bowl and spoon proved to be too much new stuff for Vi. She just wasn't really digging it (although I did get some great footage!) so we took her out of her chair and just let her sit on my lap while we watched TV together. She started getting restless during the middle of the show so I pulled her high chair tray over to us and moved her hand to the blob of avocado and just let her play. And play she did! Somehow she got green goo on her forehead, arms, feet, belly and ears!
Finally I put a bit on my finger and she grabbed it and pulled it to her mouth. I realized later that she's very used to putting our fingers in her mouth and that it might be easier to introduce foods to her like this for a little while and introduce the spoon slowly. I'm happy to say she gobbled the bits of avocado down and seemed to really be enjoying herself.
Jourdan kept reminding me what Dr. Lee had said about just letting her play with her food for the time being and not to focus on feeding her. Once I relaxed and just let her have fun then she decided she'd like to eat.
Food outside of Baba?
Vi was very interested in Sedona's lunch. Solids soon?
Jackie texted me today to mention that during lunch Violet was very very interested in Sedona's apples and pears. To the point that Violet was leaning closer and grunting at Jackie.
Jackie texted me today to mention that during lunch Violet was very very interested in Sedona's apples and pears. To the point that Violet was leaning closer and grunting at Jackie.
Sunday, April 26
Rolled Over 2.0
Violet just rolled over from her back to her tummy. She had this priceless "How'd I get here?" look on her face. Dr. Lee asked me if she was able to roll from back to tummy and tummy to back on Friday. At the time she was only rolling back to tummy and teasing Jourdan and I with the possibility of back to tummy. But she has decided to upgrade and recently downloaded the rollover 2.0 patch.
Saturday, April 25
Sleepin' at my Crib
It's official Violet has slept in her crib the entire night through. Jourdan had the great idea of taking advantage of her super tired state (after having her shots) and she slept like an angel. She only needed her 2 a.m. feeding but then she was back to sleep. Dr. Lee said our next goal is to get her to sleep the entire night through without a 2 a.m. baba. We shall see, but this is indeed monumental progress.
On a side note: I did sleep so well. I'm so used to the cooing and the noises she makes that sleeping without them was tough. I realized this was the first night in a year that she and I haven't slept in the same room. She really is growing up and I'm so proud of her.
On a side note: I did sleep so well. I'm so used to the cooing and the noises she makes that sleeping without them was tough. I realized this was the first night in a year that she and I haven't slept in the same room. She really is growing up and I'm so proud of her.
Friday, April 24
4-month Well Baby
Violet went in for her 4-month well baby appointment today. She currently weighs 16 pounds (95th percentile) and is 26 inches long (97th percentile) and her head circumference of 17 inches (75th percentile). Dr. Lee asked who was the tall one because apparently Violet is going to be taller than just 5'9" like Jourdan and I. He also commented that Violet has amazing muscle control and is developing quite well. He recommended we start working on her sleeping through the night and to cut out her morning 3 hour nap to assist. Also we can start giving Violet solid foods in a few weeks when she's better able to lean back in her high chair. (Mommy is very excited!) The best is Violet is not only perfectly healthy but she's perfectly perfect as well.
Wednesday, April 22
More Pictures of Miss Crazy Hair
She got a bath at daycare (after a major blarg and poop) and Miss Jackie didn't know that Violet's curls have to be brushed down when her hair is wet.
More cuteness here.
Rolled Over!
Sunday, April 19
Newsletter: Month Four
Dear Violet,
Month four has been time of growth, physically and emotionally for all of us. For starters, you're growing like a little violet and getting stronger and smarter every day. You're also much more social though only for a limited time (mostly after naps and morning). Speaking of being social, you can be quite the charmer when you are so inclined, in fact you can charm college kids into cooing at you from across the room.
And you needed little to no social prowess, to charm the pants of your Grandma and Grandpa Spears when they visited at the end of the month. Just like your me, you promptly wrapped us around your smallest finger with the slightest coo or eye flutter. It was easy to see that my weakness towards you is inherited; when Grandpa couldn't even let you cry yourself to sleep. You were held constantly by both of them, which you adored, and enjoyed sleeping on Grandpa's chest instead of the crib. Seeing you with my parents was really a blessing and was the first time I understood how wonderful it could feel so see my family love you.
Month four was also a chance for your father and I to grow and support each other as you started daycare. April first, two thousand and nine will always stand out in my mind, for so many reasons, both happy and sad. Leaving you at daycare even thought it was with Jackie, who made the day significantly easier by being so supportive and understanding, was really tough.
March was tough in a different way, leaving you then was me acknowledging that the "you and me" time was coming to an end. But it was comforting to know that your "you and dad" time was just beginning. March was bittersweet but I adjusted quickly, but April was tough in a new way. Knowing that neither your dad or I would be witnessing every smile, every giggle and dirty diaper (yes, I miss those too!) was tough. Every day is so precious to me and not witnessing every second of that time is quite an adjustment.
But we're all growing and learning and now at mid-April I'm learning too! I'm learning NOT to message Jackie 15 times a day as well as that you're better off not spending every moment in the momma or daddy bubble. You love daycare and I'm starting to accept that our special "you and me" time is now a cherished memory but there are so many more to come that I can't really be sad. And that is quite a bit of growing for the both of us!
Month four has been time of growth, physically and emotionally for all of us. For starters, you're growing like a little violet and getting stronger and smarter every day. You're also much more social though only for a limited time (mostly after naps and morning). Speaking of being social, you can be quite the charmer when you are so inclined, in fact you can charm college kids into cooing at you from across the room.
And you needed little to no social prowess, to charm the pants of your Grandma and Grandpa Spears when they visited at the end of the month. Just like your me, you promptly wrapped us around your smallest finger with the slightest coo or eye flutter. It was easy to see that my weakness towards you is inherited; when Grandpa couldn't even let you cry yourself to sleep. You were held constantly by both of them, which you adored, and enjoyed sleeping on Grandpa's chest instead of the crib. Seeing you with my parents was really a blessing and was the first time I understood how wonderful it could feel so see my family love you.
Month four was also a chance for your father and I to grow and support each other as you started daycare. April first, two thousand and nine will always stand out in my mind, for so many reasons, both happy and sad. Leaving you at daycare even thought it was with Jackie, who made the day significantly easier by being so supportive and understanding, was really tough.
March was tough in a different way, leaving you then was me acknowledging that the "you and me" time was coming to an end. But it was comforting to know that your "you and dad" time was just beginning. March was bittersweet but I adjusted quickly, but April was tough in a new way. Knowing that neither your dad or I would be witnessing every smile, every giggle and dirty diaper (yes, I miss those too!) was tough. Every day is so precious to me and not witnessing every second of that time is quite an adjustment.
But we're all growing and learning and now at mid-April I'm learning too! I'm learning NOT to message Jackie 15 times a day as well as that you're better off not spending every moment in the momma or daddy bubble. You love daycare and I'm starting to accept that our special "you and me" time is now a cherished memory but there are so many more to come that I can't really be sad. And that is quite a bit of growing for the both of us!
Saturday, April 18
Mom's Birthday
Violet was not only a wonderful party guest, but she was also quite the entertainment (in a good way). I always count my lucky stars when Violet is as good as she always is in public. Part of my fears that the rug is going to be pulled out from under me one of these days, but not today. We went to Amici's and then to Fenton's and for the entire 3+ hours, Miss V was so well-behaved. The only time she cried was when she was hungry and after we finally figured out what she wanted, she was good to go. What a wonderful little baby we have.
Being at Fenton's made me dream of when we'll be able to take her out for ice cream the first time. I will have to get the camera ready!
Being at Fenton's made me dream of when we'll be able to take her out for ice cream the first time. I will have to get the camera ready!
Thursday, April 16
Keep on Rollin'...or At Least Try to
A week ago, Violet rolled over while with Jackie at pre-school. Since then she hasn't attempted to roll or even considered it...until tonight she she would roll to her side and just stay there. No amount of coaxing, toy teasing or cheering convinced Miss V to roll tonight. But we have our video camera poised and ready for when the rolling starts....any day now.
Sunday, April 12
We got up early Easter morning, after a day of pulling ivy from the backyard, to meet the Easter Bunny at Caffe Italia. Before we left the house, I dressed Violet up in her "First Easter" clothes along with her bunny jacket. She looked so adorable that upon seeing her Jourdan went to get the camera and Violet obliged us with tons of smiles and giggles. Violet was so surprised and happy to see the Easter Bunny. Her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly.
Later that evening, we met with Jourdan's family for Easter dinner. Violet dressed in her Easter finery, aka her Pooh dress and jacket. She blarged all over it but still looked amazingly cute.
Wednesday, April 1
1st day at Kanga Kare
Now that Jourdan is done with paternity leave and headed back to work, Violet has started going to preschool at Kanga Kare. We're so lucky that Violet is staying with Miss Jackie now. Jackie is so understanding and emails me pictures of Miss Vi during the day as well as responds to my many text messages.
The first day of leaving her wasn't easy but Jackie's texts and pictures made it so much better for me.
The first day of leaving her wasn't easy but Jackie's texts and pictures made it so much better for me.
Friday, March 27
Grandma & Grandpa Spears Visit!
At the end of March, my parents flew out for a visit. This was the first time Violet met her grandpa and was another chance to meet grandma. It was such a blessing to get to see them together. After seeing Pappy, Jourdan's Dad, with Violet I really yearned to see my folks with her again. There is just something so special about seeing my parents with my daughter. I'm so grateful they could come to visit us; it meant the world to me.
Tuesday, March 24
Month with Dad
Sunday, March 22
Newsletter: Month Three
Dear Violet,
This month you spent the days with your Dad, while I went back to work. That first day back was tough but knowing that you were having a good time with your father made the transition much easier. What wasn't so easy for me was coming home for lunch to see you; unlike your father I can exert little to no willpower when it comes to leaving you.
Paternity leave was a true gift! Your father and I both loved his leave and if I had a million dollars, he'd stay home with you while I worked. During the month, you and dad went out outings in your stroller (a first!), played games like patty-cake and watched zombie movies (only once!). Another first, is your father (again with the ability to exert willpower) was able to teach you to nap in your crib. I loved coming home to both of you and getting to snuggle and hold you. I dreamed those days would never end but like all good things they were bound to. Lucky for us, grandma and grandpa Spears were coming out at the end of the month so I had something to look forward to.
The most wonderful thing that happened during month 3 is that you and your dad are now buddies. Not to say you weren't friendly before but a month of exploring tummy time, meeting strange new creatures like the washing machine and traveling to far off distant Nugget Markets together has cemented your love and friendship. Seeing you love him like I do, only proves that you're SO my daughter.
This month you spent the days with your Dad, while I went back to work. That first day back was tough but knowing that you were having a good time with your father made the transition much easier. What wasn't so easy for me was coming home for lunch to see you; unlike your father I can exert little to no willpower when it comes to leaving you.
Paternity leave was a true gift! Your father and I both loved his leave and if I had a million dollars, he'd stay home with you while I worked. During the month, you and dad went out outings in your stroller (a first!), played games like patty-cake and watched zombie movies (only once!). Another first, is your father (again with the ability to exert willpower) was able to teach you to nap in your crib. I loved coming home to both of you and getting to snuggle and hold you. I dreamed those days would never end but like all good things they were bound to. Lucky for us, grandma and grandpa Spears were coming out at the end of the month so I had something to look forward to.
The most wonderful thing that happened during month 3 is that you and your dad are now buddies. Not to say you weren't friendly before but a month of exploring tummy time, meeting strange new creatures like the washing machine and traveling to far off distant Nugget Markets together has cemented your love and friendship. Seeing you love him like I do, only proves that you're SO my daughter.
Sunday, March 15
Violet throws a Pi Party
Yesterday, we invited over all our friends to celebrate Pi Day. I confess I was a bit nervous about how little Miss V would do with guests over at the house, but she did quite well. This week she's been in a little of a colicky mood mostly because she doesn't want to take naps when she's tired and fights it with all her baby strength.
And while she did fight the good fight a few times during the party, overall she was the ultimate party hostess. I can't wait until she's older and can join us in a game of Uno.
And while she did fight the good fight a few times during the party, overall she was the ultimate party hostess. I can't wait until she's older and can join us in a game of Uno.
Sunday, March 8
Meet Pappy
My father is in town, and Violet has finally got to meet her Pappy. She was very well-behaved. We were even able to take her along to dinner that night. Also, we've been able to coax a few, real laughs out of her. Such a darling little chuckle.
Thursday, March 5
Day 3 was a bit rough
The day started off well, Violet playing and happy. Then she turned into a cuddle monster, only quiet when held. Drove Daddy crazy all day.
And then she laughed in her sleep and all was forgiven.
And then she laughed in her sleep and all was forgiven.
Tuesday, March 3
Daddy Days have begun!
I'm now on paternity leave with Violet and loving* every moment. Added a bunch of pictures to the Flicker site.
I'm slowly getting the hang of this stuff. Learning when she's hungry and when she's tired. Day one consisted of lots of naps, while day 2 was a bit more active. We're going through Daddy's music collection as well. She's becoming more vocal everyday. We've got some cute videos of her goo'ing and oooh'ing on the way.
*Amount of love inversely proportional to amount of baby screaming.
I'm slowly getting the hang of this stuff. Learning when she's hungry and when she's tired. Day one consisted of lots of naps, while day 2 was a bit more active. We're going through Daddy's music collection as well. She's becoming more vocal everyday. We've got some cute videos of her goo'ing and oooh'ing on the way.
*Amount of love inversely proportional to amount of baby screaming.
Sunday, March 1
Newsletter: Month Two
Dear Violet,
It is amazing what a difference just a few weeks make; in just this short amount of time your personality has become more evident. You still enjoy bright lights and being held all the time; but you're now gooing and wiggling in delight when you see your mobile, your dad or me. (The shelf was so last month!) For me the best part is seeing the pride in your eyes when you talk to me and I respond. You so desperately want to tell us everything and see everything.
And see everything you do! Because you're such an incredible baby; we're able to take you parties, out to eat and around town. The entire time, you're likely to be sleeping in your moby wrap next to me but every once in a while you'll glance at a few things. The Apple Store can't hold your interest and neither can the Lego Shoppe but I'm certain when you're older and the phrase "I want.." becomes a regular in your vocabulary, we'll be prying you out of both. Your father and I joke that you are lulled to sleep by the sound of commerce but really any white noise comforts you. At loud parties, people tend to forget your a guest because you just quietly stare or fall asleep. This means quite a bit to me since I have really enjoyed being able to get out with you. Not that you aren't a fascinating conversationalist but I do tend to need words to respond to from time to time.
But as I say that, I know that at this moment in time, I can't fully comprehend how much I'll miss "talking" with you all day. These two months of maternity leave have been a precious gift that is special and irreplaceable, just like the sweet baby in my arms. I love you Violet and hope you know how much your father and I both love you.
It is amazing what a difference just a few weeks make; in just this short amount of time your personality has become more evident. You still enjoy bright lights and being held all the time; but you're now gooing and wiggling in delight when you see your mobile, your dad or me. (The shelf was so last month!) For me the best part is seeing the pride in your eyes when you talk to me and I respond. You so desperately want to tell us everything and see everything.
And see everything you do! Because you're such an incredible baby; we're able to take you parties, out to eat and around town. The entire time, you're likely to be sleeping in your moby wrap next to me but every once in a while you'll glance at a few things. The Apple Store can't hold your interest and neither can the Lego Shoppe but I'm certain when you're older and the phrase "I want.." becomes a regular in your vocabulary, we'll be prying you out of both. Your father and I joke that you are lulled to sleep by the sound of commerce but really any white noise comforts you. At loud parties, people tend to forget your a guest because you just quietly stare or fall asleep. This means quite a bit to me since I have really enjoyed being able to get out with you. Not that you aren't a fascinating conversationalist but I do tend to need words to respond to from time to time.
But as I say that, I know that at this moment in time, I can't fully comprehend how much I'll miss "talking" with you all day. These two months of maternity leave have been a precious gift that is special and irreplaceable, just like the sweet baby in my arms. I love you Violet and hope you know how much your father and I both love you.
Thursday, February 26
Monday, February 23
2 Month Check-Up & Shots
Violet went in for her first official check up. I'm happy to report that Violet is a healthy baby girl and now that she's not being overfed, she's at a healthy weight. Generally Violet is within the 75% range for her age except for her height, she grew 3 inches since she was born and is in the 95% for height. I have a feeling, she's going to be tall just like mom and dad.
In general the appointment went quite well, unlike previous times when Violet has cried when Dr. Lee would examine her. Now she just chills out and enjoys the naked baby time. However, unlike previous appointment, she was going to receive her first round of vaccinations and I couldn't help but pity her.
The before shot:

And after:
In general the appointment went quite well, unlike previous times when Violet has cried when Dr. Lee would examine her. Now she just chills out and enjoys the naked baby time. However, unlike previous appointment, she was going to receive her first round of vaccinations and I couldn't help but pity her.
The before shot:
And after:
Saturday, February 21
Tee Hee: First Laugh (Sorta)
We were on our way to a party in San Jose and I was in the backseat entertaining Violet. She was gooing and cooing at me as I was sticking my tongue out at her. And then out of no where she laughed, there was no sound behind it but it was there. I can't wait until I hear her first laugh because seeing it was just too adorable.
Sunday, February 15
Pollywog In A Bog
Jourdan found this video from the Barenaked Ladies new kids album and showed it to Violet. She has since watched numerous times on dad's laptop and mom's iphone. One time she was crying when the video started and then like magic once the singing started she quieted down to just sniffling and snorting.
Saturday, February 14
Valetine's Day Gifts & Party
Jenny so kindly invited all of us to her house for cards and games on Valentine's Day. Violet was so well behaved and either slept or just rested in our arms. She was the perfect party guest for the entire five hours we stayed. The only mishap was when she peed on her outfit and had to spend half of the party topless. Oh that wild girl! Upon coming home we restocked her diaper bag with a clean outfit just in case such an occasion arises again.
We also opened our Valentine's Day presents. Dad got an Iron Man DVD from me and Violet, a Tropic Thunder DVD from Grandma & Grandpa Spears and some spending cash from Great Grandma Benefiel. Mom got a Wall-E DVD from Dad, a Mamma Mia DVD from Grandma and Grandpa and some spending cash from Great Granny. Violet got a new outfit from Dad, a heated wipe warmer from Grandma and Grandpa Spears and some cash for Violet's college fund from Great Granny.
We also opened our Valentine's Day presents. Dad got an Iron Man DVD from me and Violet, a Tropic Thunder DVD from Grandma & Grandpa Spears and some spending cash from Great Grandma Benefiel. Mom got a Wall-E DVD from Dad, a Mamma Mia DVD from Grandma and Grandpa and some spending cash from Great Granny. Violet got a new outfit from Dad, a heated wipe warmer from Grandma and Grandpa Spears and some cash for Violet's college fund from Great Granny.
Friday, February 13
Unhappy Photo Shoot
I wanted to take some pictures of Miss V in her Valentine's outfit to send to everyone for the holiday. Unfortunately, Miss V wasn't exactly in the mood to have her picture taken so Jourdan and I had to attempt to grab a snapshot of her not crying over the course of three separate times. Finally, she willing obliged us with some non-crying pictures when we took Jourdan's suggestion and set her up in her crib. She watched her mobile and we snapped a shot or two, see below and view more here.
Thursday, February 12
Violet & the Mobile
Violet has finally discovered the mysterious mobile atop her crib and the infatuation has begun. Shelf was so last month, now Mobile gets all the louuve.
Wednesday, February 11
We're trying to start a night time routine to help teach Violet about going to bed. This however does require that Jourdan and I stick to a routine as well and that is harder than I imagined. At the moment, Violet's bedtime routine is as follows:
1. Take a shower and get all the soy formula off her chin and cheeks
2. Get her dressed and try to minimize crying by giving her a bottle ASAP
3. Read a book together
4. Put Violet to bed
This has happened successfully only once. I have a feeling this routine development is going to become the new Perla project.
1. Take a shower and get all the soy formula off her chin and cheeks
2. Get her dressed and try to minimize crying by giving her a bottle ASAP
3. Read a book together
4. Put Violet to bed
This has happened successfully only once. I have a feeling this routine development is going to become the new Perla project.
Sunday, February 8
Friday, February 6
Wednesday, February 4
She cried aalllll day long! Jourdan brought me home something to eat for dinner, since I only had a bowl of Cheerios and a bowl of grapes during the day. And then he comforted Miss Violet while she wailed and wailed. Then she and I took a shower and the instant the warm water hit her she quieted and her eyes instantly lit up. But it was short lived. Oh six week mark you are as cruel as described.
Tuesday, February 3
Water loving baby
She's grown too big for her baby tub, so we tried something new today: a shower with mommy. She loved it. Having to dry off afterwards, not so much.
Monday, February 2
Photo Shoot
Jourdan and I took Violet to JC Penneys for her first photo shoot. We picked out three new outfits from Grandma Spears to wear, all of which looked terribly cute on her. I did learn a trick from the photographer not to pick outfits with collars or overalls; good to know for next time. With all the cute clothes she had to wear, it wasn't a surprise to either Jourdan or I that Violet would only smile when she was naked and being held.
We ordered birth announcements, and 8x10 pictures for all the Grandpas, Grandmas and Great Grandmas. We also ordered plenty of wallets and other sizes as well as joined the JCP Portrait Club. With the Portrait Club, we get special bargains but we mostly liked that we get online access to all the pictures, so family can check out every photo from the shoot. I think there also a free screensaver from the photo shoot available online as well, but I'll have to check on that.
I'll post the link to the online photo shoot in a few days when they are available. Also, we'll be mailing out pictures next week, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Great News from Dr. Lee
Dr. Lee sent us a letter and a copy of the results from Violet's newborn screening test. He writes.."Great news...the results are all normal!" The newborn screening test checked for cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism and many other things that are incredibly difficult to pronounce. Miss Violet continues to be super healthy; good job baby!
Saturday, January 31
Newsletter: Month One
Dear Violet,
It was always my hope that once I had a little one, I'd been able to take the time to write to him/her. To give him or her a little insight into what life was like in those first few early months. This first month has been life changing to say the least; it's amazing how much you've taught us and how much we've all learned. Because of you, a new world has opened up for me and your father; the world of babies. Now I am fascinated by baby instruction manuals, other moms and mostly by the best baby teacher You've already taught me so much. For one, my world is no longer about me. Two, nothing is as satisfying as a well-consoled happy child. And three, the key to a happy Violet is a bouncy chair/bouncy knee, burrito swaddle and binky.
You've also learned quite a bit yourself. This month, you learned how to play on your play mat for up to a hour and a half (btw, mommy is so grateful!), how to hold up your head, how to stick out your tongue, how to play games (your current favorite being-find the red birdie) and how to scare mommy by pushing off her lap with your strong little legs. Each day is a learning experience, every morning you wake up wide eyed and ready to coo and practice smiling. And each night is a teaching experience, as you teach mommy and daddy how difficult or easy it can be to console you, based on your mood.
Overall, you've been an easy baby with only a few minutes of fussiness here and there. Which is a complete 180 from your first week when you cried non-stop for days while we tried to figure out the breast feeding thing. I will always feel a bit of guilt about not being able to breast feed you but I suppose my body did all it could just getting you here and that's plenty. Today we met with the other moms and dads from the prenatal baby class, and I once again felt the pangs of guilt as they discussed the ease and benefits of breastfeeding. I've learned that just like a shirt covered in spit up, guilt is something that all mothers wear from time to time.
I hope our learning never stops and based on your current inquisitive nature I have a good feeling it never will. But one thing I hope you always know, is what a blessing you are to your family and how much your mommy and daddy love you.
It was always my hope that once I had a little one, I'd been able to take the time to write to him/her. To give him or her a little insight into what life was like in those first few early months. This first month has been life changing to say the least; it's amazing how much you've taught us and how much we've all learned. Because of you, a new world has opened up for me and your father; the world of babies. Now I am fascinated by baby instruction manuals, other moms and mostly by the best baby teacher You've already taught me so much. For one, my world is no longer about me. Two, nothing is as satisfying as a well-consoled happy child. And three, the key to a happy Violet is a bouncy chair/bouncy knee, burrito swaddle and binky.
You've also learned quite a bit yourself. This month, you learned how to play on your play mat for up to a hour and a half (btw, mommy is so grateful!), how to hold up your head, how to stick out your tongue, how to play games (your current favorite being-find the red birdie) and how to scare mommy by pushing off her lap with your strong little legs. Each day is a learning experience, every morning you wake up wide eyed and ready to coo and practice smiling. And each night is a teaching experience, as you teach mommy and daddy how difficult or easy it can be to console you, based on your mood.
Overall, you've been an easy baby with only a few minutes of fussiness here and there. Which is a complete 180 from your first week when you cried non-stop for days while we tried to figure out the breast feeding thing. I will always feel a bit of guilt about not being able to breast feed you but I suppose my body did all it could just getting you here and that's plenty. Today we met with the other moms and dads from the prenatal baby class, and I once again felt the pangs of guilt as they discussed the ease and benefits of breastfeeding. I've learned that just like a shirt covered in spit up, guilt is something that all mothers wear from time to time.
I hope our learning never stops and based on your current inquisitive nature I have a good feeling it never will. But one thing I hope you always know, is what a blessing you are to your family and how much your mommy and daddy love you.
Friday, January 30
Not Sick..
In a typical new parent freak out behavior, I was convinced that Violet was sick because she vomited three times in 24 hours and wasn't taking a bottle. She wasn't running a fever and was sleeping fine and acting fine but we went into the doctor after the advice nurse suggested we visit, just to be safe.
Long story short...Violet isn't sick; she just isn't hungry. Oh mommy when will you learn?
Long story short...Violet isn't sick; she just isn't hungry. Oh mommy when will you learn?
Monday, January 26
Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?
Since the weather has been so obliging, Violet and I took a walk around the park and visited her elementary school. There was a garage sale going on across the street where I bought Violet a book, a book for me and a few oranges for dad. Of course, Violet missed most of this since she passed out in the moby after I walked three houses away.
Saturday, January 24
Sunday, January 18
New Skills & Games
So Violet in addition to being able to hold her head up, can now stick out her tongue and clear a room with her toots. We switched her to soy formula last night to see if her food wasn't the cause of her recent bout of gassiness.
Violet and Jourdan also have a new favorite game; spaceship. Jourdan will hold Violet and gently swing her back and forth as he makes flying noises. In response, Violet's eyes light up and she sticks out her tongue.
And happily, Violet has learned how to nap and sleep (at the very most) for 3 hours straight. As of the last few days, mom and dad have also learned to anticipate her needs a bit more which has meant quite a bit less crying.
Violet and Jourdan also have a new favorite game; spaceship. Jourdan will hold Violet and gently swing her back and forth as he makes flying noises. In response, Violet's eyes light up and she sticks out her tongue.
And happily, Violet has learned how to nap and sleep (at the very most) for 3 hours straight. As of the last few days, mom and dad have also learned to anticipate her needs a bit more which has meant quite a bit less crying.
Saturday, January 17
"I've got a secret"
Last night we switched Violet to soy formula which she seems to like well enough. Jourdan fed her her first bottle and burped her; but apparently he missed a bit of a bubble cause about 15 minutes later she went all Exorcist on his shirt, his pants and the couch.
Since Violet seems to have a certain fondness of spitting up on me; Jourdan started teasing me that Violet wants to tell me a 'secret' after every bottle. He teases me that I should lean in close and listen to her 'secret'; so apparently she had a secret for daddy last night.
Since Violet seems to have a certain fondness of spitting up on me; Jourdan started teasing me that Violet wants to tell me a 'secret' after every bottle. He teases me that I should lean in close and listen to her 'secret'; so apparently she had a secret for daddy last night.
Friday, January 16
Violet's Favorite New Song: Hair Dryer
My friend Amy gave us a white noise CD which Violet has become quite taken with. If we walk her around while listening to her favorite music (hair dryer, laundry machine etc.) she tends to calm down and soothe herself to sleep.
I think Daft Punk has moved down in the Violet Billboard charts to be replaced by that new band Washer and Dryer.
I think Daft Punk has moved down in the Violet Billboard charts to be replaced by that new band Washer and Dryer.
Tuesday, January 13
Monday, January 12
Feeling Sick
Since Sunday morning, I've been suffering from a pounding headache; to help me out Jourdan watched Violet Sunday night/Monday morning so I could rest. Luckily, I'm feeling better now and my headache is gone. Unfortunately, just as I started to feel better, Violet decided to do a re-enactment of the Exorcist and vomited all over her clothes, blankets, bobby and her beloved seahorse toy Jacque. So while Jourdan and I were supposed to be having lunch, Violet was losing her lunch over five outfits. And while she's crying and vomiting, Jourdan gets a horrible nosebleed. It was quite an eventful lunch.
Thursday, January 8
Off to work!
Violet made the rounds at both of our offices this week, and was well received at both. We're experiencing some fussiness at night, mostly while Daddy is on shift. Though she did put herself to sleep last night. Doctor says she's doing well. A bit better than well since she's able to hold up her head already. We've also noticed her squirming around in her bassinet during the night.
Next doctors visit is in February, where she'll get poked by a big scary needle for her first round of vaccinations.
P.S. - 100 posts! (Or so Blogger says.)
Next doctors visit is in February, where she'll get poked by a big scary needle for her first round of vaccinations.
P.S. - 100 posts! (Or so Blogger says.)
Saturday, January 3
Violet's Likes & Dislikes
After just two weeks of being around, it's becoming easier to detect her preferences. Below are a few of Violet's likes and dislikes.
Likes: Sleep sacks, sleeping on mom or dad, being sung to, sucking on pacifiers, drinking milk/formula, swing chairs, blankets, rides in the car, music (namely the baby Radiohead CD and Daft Punk). being walked around so she can look at stuff
Dislikes: Being bundled, being dressed, wearing socks, having her feet messed with, being put into her car seat, the sun in my eyes, bright lights
Thursday, January 1
New Year's Day
Violet went to her first party today at Sam and Julie's place. While we showed up a bit late and with an extra guest, Uncle Cameron, Sam and Julie were great hosts. They even offered their nice bed as a changing area for when we suspected Violet had a dirty diaper. Overall Violet did a great job and was a perfect party guest.
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